Member Benefits
Support, Advice & Representation
- National support and advice - on all aspects of private practice including legal, tax and business advice
Support from the Administrative office - CPPP has an administrator specially trained to support members ( and (01) 402 2574
- Representation on standing committees of ISCP – Research & Innovation, Education & Professional Development committees. Representation on other committees include: Statutory Registration Committee, Dublin City Marathon, Graduates Working Party, Integrated services (Primary Care) working group.
- CPPP Committee can link with the Vice President for representation on the ISCP Board.
- Representation with major private health insurers - CPPP will keep members informed of changes affecting the market place in which members work.
- CPPP is a member of the International Private Practitioners Association, which is a sub group of WCPT for Private Practitioners.
Representation on ISCP standing committees - Research and Innovation, Education & Professional Development, Communications committees, Representation on other relevant working groups, such as Dublin City Marathon.
- CPPP is a member of the International Private Practitioners Association (IPTA), which is a sub group of the World Confederation of Physiotherapists (WCPT) for Private Practitioners.
- Inclusion in the CPPP booklet, 8,000 of which are, distributed to GPs nationwide as well as Occupational Health Physicians, Consultants, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and other Physiotherapists.
- Promotion on Find A Physio - members of CPPP have access to their own landing page on Find A Physio, allowing them to provide more comprehensive details with regard to their practice.
- Access at member rates to CPPP courses
- Use of the CPPP logo - Corporate branding using the CPPP logo is available to Members. All members are eligible to use the CPPP logo, promoting the employment group and indicating membership of a national group of high quality professionals.
- Access to “Members' Area” on the CPPP website - This area contains up to date information on business and clinical issues, details of conferences, downloadable documents for your practice. FAQ's - A searchable bank of Frequently Asked Questions available for members 24/7.
Patient Information Leaflets - A new series of branded leaflets available on the CPPP website -
Free quarterly In Touch magazine (A high quality CPD journal from our UK partners). Our business agreement with PhysioFirst also allows our members to attend PhysioFirst's annual conference and courses at their member rates.
Liason with ISCP Board and staff.
- Representation with major private health insurers - CPPP continuously liaise with insurance companies in promoting Chartered Physiotherapists and keeping abreast of marketplace changes.
Education & Training
- Annual Conference - A specially designed programme of business and clinical topics. This day allows you to keep abreast with new equipment and softward, as well as networking with fellow private practitioners..
- Education Programme - Relevant courses are organised nationally; there are also specific courses on different business aspects of running practices they are an excellent way of obtaining useful information in an informal and friendly atmosphere. The programme continues to be developed and rolled out to members in the near future.
- Access to experts - amongst the CPPP membership is experts in most clinical fields.
- Members have access to the Univadis website which gives them access to primal pictures and other resource material.
- Access to In Touch Journal from Physio First, UK Private Practice Organisation.
- Provision of CPR Courses and Child First Courses for members to maintain their mandatory training and professional duties in those areas.
- Access to Physio First Business Courses and Annual Conference.